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The Wandering DP Podcast: Episodes #21 - #30

  • Download your copy of The Wandering DP Podcast: Episodes 21 - 30.

    Included in this pack of 10 episodes are the first ever breakdown episode, how and why to build a reference library, and how to location scout properly.
  • 1. WDP #021 - Alex Disenhof: Part 2
    2. WDP #022 - Why You Are Struggling with Cinematography 
    3. WDP #023 - The Importance of Monitoring
    4. WDP #024 - The First Ever Breakdown Episode
    5. WDP #025 - Building a Reference Library
    6. WDP #026 - Location Scouting
    7. WDP #027 - Big Budget vs. No Budget
    8. WDP #028 - The Most Important Thing 
    9. WDP #029 - DaVinci Resolve
    10. WDP #030 - The Reference Well
    1. 1 .zip file containing 10 .mp3 files
